Robinwood Day 2

A huge well done to all the children at Robinwood today. They have worked together brilliantly, supported each other, pushed themselves beyond what they...

Robinwood Day 1

A wonderful first day at Robinwood. The Waterfall group enjoyed the braved zip line, worked together brilliantly through the blindfolded nightline, mastered the problems...

Conductor or Insulator?

As scientists today, we investigated some materials to see if they allowed electricity to pass through them or not. Were they an electrical conductor...

Music to our ears!

Today we had a visit from instrument teachers from North Yorkshire County Music Service. It was fantastic to have live music in school and...

Code Cracking

Year 3 and 4 learnt about the inventions of different codes and then spent some time learning how to communicate their names in these...

Can you spot the treasure?

In Year 1 we have had great fun, using a variety of media such as paints and collage to create our very own pirate...

The Pirates Are Here!

As part of our pirate topic we have been learning about famous pirates. Today we learnt about a famous female pirate, Anne Bonny. The...

Year 5 and 6 Biographies

Year 5/6 are enjoying their ‘Inventions and Inventors’ topic and have researched, drafted and finalised some wonderful biographies. Children were very proud of their...

That’s shocking!

Today we learnt a little about static electricity. We learnt that everything is made up of positive and negative charges  and when these charges...

Hello? Can you hear me?

Today we have been learning about Alexander Graham Bell, who invented the first telephone. It inspired us to make our own telephones using string...


Check out our amazing skipping at this year’s Skip2bfit. Congratulations to...